Prostate - the Second Man's Heart

Prostate - the Second Man's Heart

Prostate - the Second Man's Heart

In this article, we will focus on a small but very important organ in the male (prostate) and its most common diseases. The prostate (prostatitis) - an organ located below the bladder, surrounding the urethra.

It has dimensions of about 30 x 40 x 20 mm and a weight of 15-20, is composed of two lobes and the shape of a chestnut. The prostate is composed of muscular and glandular tissue. The glandular tissue produces prostatic fluid (prostatic fluid). The juice of the prostate with the seminal vesicle secretion form the bulk of the volume of semen, sperm are needed to supply the power and activating substances. In addition, the prostate gland is involved in the development and exchange of male sex hormones, which in turn not only provide sexual function of men, but also the entire metabolism in the male, hence the availability of all organs and systems in the male body. Therefore, the statement of Greek doctors that prostate - the second man's heart, remains relevant today.

Most Common Diseases of the Prostate


Prostatitis - inflammation of the prostate gland - the most frequent diseases of the genital organs in men. And this is not surprising, since the factors leading to its development, are all too common in our lives. The infection can get into the prostate ascending path for inflammation in the urethra. Often, the source of this inflammation are sexually transmitted infections (sexually transmitted). In other cases, the infection gets into the prostate by hematogenous pyogenic of inflammatory lesions in the body (furuncle, carbuncle, sore throat, sinusitis, pneumonia, and others). The secret of the prostate has antibacterial properties, so the appearance of the inflammatory process in the iron needed, except of infection, predisposing factors such as venous stasis and stagnation of secretions. They arise in the hypothermia, constipation, alcohol abuse, prolonged sedentary work in a sitting position. There are acute and chronic prostatitis.

Acute Prostatitis

Acute prostatitis - has increased symptoms, and diagnosis is usually straightforward. Patients concerned about perineal pain, frequent and painful urination, difficulty urinating frequently. Depending on the degree of inflammation of the body temperature can reach 39-40 ° C, although it may be normal. This disease requires immediate treatment to the urologist and adequate treatment.

In acute prostatitis prognosis is generally favorable, if the required treatment is started in time. However, in severe cases, with late onset of antibiotic therapy, can form an abscess of the prostate, which requires surgical treatment, as a transition of acute inflammation in chronic.

Chronic Prostatitis

Chronic prostatitis - the disease may be due to inadequate treatment of acute prostatitis. However, most often develops as chronic prostatitis-chronic primary on the basis of stagnation in the prostate gland and is characterized by a sluggish course of the chronic inflammatory process that leads to scar-sclerotic changes of the prostate. For chronic prostatitis characterized by the formation of cavities in the extended system of follicles due to occlusion (blockage) of the ducts and stasis secretion of the prostate. Long-term course of chronic prostatitis can lead to sclerosis of the body with the reduction in size of the prostate and the development of bladder outlet obstruction (ie, a condition in which the prostate gland pinched urethra, making it difficult to urinate).

Chronic prostatitis can be infectious and non-infectious. Cause of infectious prostatitis is any type of pathogen that causes inflammation of the prostate health. When the main cause of noninfectious prostatitis disease is the appearance of stagnation, such as poor circulation and drainage of the prostate acini.

For chronic prostatitis is characterized by aching pain in the perineum, sacrum, the rectum, the genitals of referred, discomfort and burning sensation during urination, especially in the morning. Pain is usually worse during prolonged stay in a sitting position, as a result of which a venous plethora of the pelvis, including the prostate. Often, patients with chronic prostatitis, complained of sexual function disorders (lack of erection, premature ejaculation). In addition, the phenomenon of neurasthenia patients the decrease in performance, insomnia.

Chronic prostatitis is characterized by persistent and recurrent course, so to get a good result, the treatment should be comprehensive. In addition to drugs used local physiotherapy (their action is directed at improving the blood circulation in the prostate gland, which increases the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy) and prostate massage. It is also important to diet.

Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)

Benign prostatic hyperplasia, or BPH - develops, usually after the age of 50 years. Prostate reaches its normal size to 20 years. After 45 years it begins to grow in size, this process takes place before the end of life and is associated with age-related hormonal changes. After 50 years of BPH is found in practically every other man, and after 80 years, nine out of ten men.

The main symptoms of the disease - the various urinary disorders: difficulty and frequent urination (especially at night and during the day), weakened urinary stream, feeling of incomplete emptying of the bladder after urination, irregular urination, etc. BPH may even cause the so-called urinary retention when man can not urinate on their own.

Despite the fact that the disease is due to age-related changes, you should not accept it as inevitable or normal. Especially do not need to self-medicate, many of the widely advertised dietary supplements, "plant extracts" and homeopathic remedies, "Absorbable adenoma", in fact, as a rule, were not appropriate clinical trials and do not provide any medical effect but psychological.

Urinary disorders caused by BPH, may disrupt the flow of urine from the bladder and kidneys, and promote the development of urinary tract infections, stone formation and renal failure.

Modern methods of treatment of BPH are diverse and highly effective, the choice of treatment depends on the stage of the disease and the size of the adenoma. They are divided into medical and surgical (open and endoscopic surgery transurethral resection of the prostate and laser ablation). Early diagnosis and medical treatment of the disease will stop the growth of the prostate and avoid surgery. Development, first of all, the medical method has resulted in the U.S. operated by no more than 20% of patients with BPH. However, in some cases, surgery is indicated. In the selection of the optimal method for you to play a crucial role practitioner.

Prostate Cancer

Prostate cancer - a malignant tumor that affects the prostate gland. Among all cancers, prostate cancer is the 4th place among men. In the U.S., prostate cancer is one place. In the European Union each year 84,000 new cases of prostate cancer. In Russia in 2004, identified 14 565 new cases. From 1993 to 2003, growth of prostate cancer was more than 77%.

Most often, prostate cancer common in men over the age of 50 years. However, there has recently been "rejuvenation" of prostate cancer, which affects men of younger age. In contrast to benign prostatic hyperplasia cancer is not only a violation of the outflow of urine from the bladder, and can metastasize to other organs. In 2000, the U.S. had found 184,000 new cases of prostate cancer, and 31,000 patients died from the disease.

Can not prevent prostate cancer, at least, a means of prevention is still not developed. But it can be detected early. I draw your attention to the fact that the symptoms of the disease (usually urinary disorders that are similar to the symptoms of prostatitis and BPH) appear in the later stages of the disease. Cure for prostate cancer is possible in case of the disease in its early stages. This is done through regular urological examinations, which should take place every healthy man after 40 years of one every 6 months. Examination on an outpatient basis (no need to go to the hospital), does not take a lot of time and resources.

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